Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Face Value : Margaret Park : Dollar ReDe$ign

"My main objective was to create an organized, intuitive system without using images. So I created a system where you can distinguish each note in a few different ways: 

Size: All notes are the same width as today's USD (6.125") but increase in height in 0.25" increments. This could potentially be helpful to those who cannot see. The width does not change because it's easier to stick a wad of bills into a wallet if they are the same width.

Color: Inspired by the South Korean won and the Euro, I wanted to introduce a color scheme to the USD. I began with green because the USD has been green forever, and moved around the color wheel until the system ends with mustard yellow. It ends with yellow because yellow is closer to gold, which is associated with high value. Notes $1-$100 have color bars, whose widths are determined by the value of the note; the ratio of the widths is accurate ($1 color bar x 5 = $5 color bar, etc). $500 color bar is full bleed because it is the largest value in the system.

Background: The pattern for each note consists of a monogram of the note's value. Each is determined by how many digits the note has (i.e. $1 and $5 have one diagonal direction because they are single digits; $10, $20, and $50 have two directions to the pattern because they are double digits; $100 and $500 have three directions because they are triple digits). The color of the pattern references the pale green background of today's USD."

Originally from Seoul, Korea, Margaret Park currently lives in Manhattan and is studying graphic design at Parsons School of Design.

© Copyright 2010 The ‘Author’. All rights reserved. 
These designs are NOT legal tender. 
to learn how to submit your ideas.

Posted via email from Dollar ReDe$ign Project

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